Saturday, August 29, 2009

I forgot I had a blog!

I have been off pursuing old scientific discoveries long since forgotten, I think I will use some of these forgotten ideas someday.

In case you were curious I have been looking back into how Faraday discovered the principles how magnetism can affect a ray of light. Not exciting enough?

Hmm how about piezoelectricity that is pretty crazy stuff and inexpensive I think I will be making a sound-wave capturing device to produce electricity. Still no?

OK then definitely you have to love diamagnetism, I mean who can resist having all the atoms in their body magnetically aligned with a magnet shooting the power of many tesla through them to levitate! I mean these frogs seemed to love it! No frogs were harmed in the making of this video, probably.


  1. It all sounds like Greek to me:( Bet your Dad can understand what you are talking about though. Hehe, hugs mom

  2. OK, Dave, it is time for you to post some wonderful wild photos of your country land.We are waiting for nature shots.
